All-State Career School vs Community College?

Michael Iacono

Forum Crew Member
So im starting a new job (non emt) that has an overnight weekends schedule. The schedule at all state career school is m-th 9am-2pm for I believe 14 months.

Fits perfectly, problem is tht it is double the price of my local community college, and that im not sure if it is a certificate or associates degree.

The community college also requires that I do 3 more classes (currently have an asscates in general studies from them) then not be able to do the paramedic year long classes til summer of 2017.

I can start the all state training by January.

Which one do you guys recommend to do? Will all state be looked upon as lesser than my communtuy college?


ps. with the schedule id have at all state I could prbbaly devote another 4 hours a day, 16 hours per week after class volunteering in a 911 station as an emt.

At the community college, I would not have the time to work as an emt due to scheduling between school and my non emt job.

Ewok Jerky

I don't quite understand. So one place is more expensive but gets you done quicker, the the other is significantly cheaper but will take longer?

Are these both paramedic programs?

How much longer is the one program?

You already have an Associates, I wouldn't let that be a deciding factor. Once you have your p-card nobody cares where you went to school. Me personally, I couldn't stomach paying x2 for something I could get elsewhere, unless the cheap program was absolutely schiteae, or you had to wait 6 months for an internship or something like that.


Forum Ride Along
I debated this same thing, I have a friend who went the community college path and didn't regret it so I'm starting to do the same. Don't know how it will turn out yet tho.