Recent content by EMTaylor

  1. EMTaylor

    National/State Park Medic

    Is anyone familiar with Park Medics? I have heard it is an actual job but it seems rather elusive to me in all my research. Is this the same thing as a park ranger? Any info at all would be greatly appreciated.
  2. EMTaylor

    Wilderness/SAR worthwhile?

    Thank you everyone. Your knowledge and input is greatly appreciated.
  3. EMTaylor

    CT Paramedic Programs and UNH Paramedicine Degree

    I know I'm a few months late on this, but figured I'd put some info out there. I graduated from Sponsor in December and it is a fantastic program. I also know that Bridgeport is also Yale New Haven Hospital owned, so the curriculum may look fairly similar. Sponsor is the "beast" if you will in...
  4. EMTaylor

    NREMT help. Failed it the first time. Intimidated

    EMT Crash course is great, like others have said. The curriculum my class used was JBLearning which is very good. I also purchased EMTPrep which is an online test taking program. It has *similar* structured questions like the NREMT so it teaches you how to read the questions and pick the best...
  5. EMTaylor

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    The more you know.
  6. EMTaylor

    EMT -- Medical Skill Sheet

    6-3 ABC transport me - is what I would start with. 6: bsi, scene, # patients, NOI, ALS, c-spine 3: general impression, AVPU/LOC, chief complaint/life threats Airway Breathing Circulation Priority #1 transport Then it's onto History. I would automatically write down my own version...
  7. EMTaylor

    Prep Advice

    Two things you will absolutely need to be able to recite in your sleep is the path of blood flow through the heart to the arteries and the path of airway from outside air down to your alveoli. Cannot tell you the number of questions relate to these two things.
  8. EMTaylor

    Anatomy and Physiology book

    There's always anatomy coloring books..
  9. EMTaylor

    What does your significant other do?

    Apparently science cannot be watered down to a simple sentence. It's so complex that a simple answer can never be given. Or at least, this is what I am told.
  10. EMTaylor

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    I passed with 70. I've heard that if you're getting paramedic based questions on your EMT-B test, that is a GOOD thing. It means you've been answering EMT questions efficiently.
  11. EMTaylor

    Wilderness/SAR worthwhile?

    I am a newbie EMT (read: just got certified) and I have been looking into career options for awhile now. I know that I want to be a paramedic. Beyond that, everything looks like a good option. I am an avid hiker/outdoor enthusiast and have recently looked into Wilderness medicine. I have also...
  12. EMTaylor

    Wilderness EMT course

    Do you know of much work like this? I've mostly heard that most wilderness medical jobs are volunteer based. But I'm wondering what opportunities, if any, there are for a wilderness medic as far as trips/expeditions. Or is this background education mostly found in national park jobs?
  13. EMTaylor

    Scheduled W-EMT Upgrade

    Did you end up going through with this course? I'm looking into the same course and I'm wondering what you thought of it. Mostly, is it worth it? As in paying that much money for a continued education course that you may not use in your daily job.
  14. EMTaylor

    Wilderness/Remote EMT Course Providers

    I can't really give much first hand information on this, but I've been looking into some of these programs myself. A good friend of mine suggested I go through WMA since I'm up in New England. He said it is a fantastic program and he has certainly put much of what they taught him into use when...