Somethings should never be let out in society


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Is this a real article? hopefully satire? How did the Dailymail find this person? and why???
'I got into trouble often' they said.

'One time paramedics rushed me, and despite my diagnosis, they called the police and I was taken to talk to a psychiatrist'.
Ya think? simply having a diagnosis of a disorder doesn't mean you are allowed to do whatever you want.... I don't know what my response would be if I found a random person making love to my ambulance... but they definitely would need to speak with a psychiatrist.
Looking ahead, Sanitka lamented about the limits of his love, and awaits a time when marriage to ambulances will be made legal.

'Unfortunately, it is not possible in the Czech Republic' they added.

'But perhaps it is in America. In Czechia they say that America is a land of unlimited possibilities'.
This is clearly one of the worst reflections on how America is viewed by the rest of the world...

Listen, I support people doing whatever they want to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, and if this guy wanted to buy an ambulance and stick his manhood in every "openings, the exhaust, the door handles, the front, and a lot in the chassis too," more power to him... remember the internet meme, if your brave enough...

however, if this person wants to put his manhood in the tailpipe of a random ambulance, esp an in-service ambulance parked on a street corner, because that's what he's into... well, he needs some serious professional help.
Looks like all of the UK tabloids ran the same story...

but.... why?????