Female emt's in the military?


Forum Ride Along
I'd love to hear out your stories. I'm currently an EMT student. Plan is to either do the Saudi 1 year contract after and enter the war zone coming in 2017-2018 - or be a military EMT of any branch.

So does anyone have any info on female Navy Corpsmen/Army 68W/M12/Aerospace Medical/Guard/Reserves? Doubt it would change much - but I am also African American on top of female.

Thank you!


Forum Asst. Chief
I'd love to hear out your stories. I'm currently an EMT student. Plan is to either do the Saudi 1 year contract after and enter the war zone coming in 2017-2018 - or be a military EMT of any branch.

So does anyone have any info on female Navy Corpsmen/Army 68W/M12/Aerospace Medical/Guard/Reserves? Doubt it would change much - but I am also African American on top of female.

Thank you!

I have a couple female friends who are army medics, and several friends who are medics in the national guard. They are pretty much EMT-B's with a bit of an expanded scope of practice. Most of what they focus on it trauma related as opposed to medical (which makes sense for the position).

But What does gender & race have to do with anything? Not trying to be rude, just curious. If you meet the minimum qualifications and can pass basic training, I think everything else is pretty much irrelevant. They have even allowed women to go through ranger training.


Forum Deputy Chief
Ahhh the KSA contract (Saudi thing). You do realize that the majority of the KSA contracts are for Paramedics, not EMTs and they are usually restricted to those who also have a college degree, right?

So if you have the degree already, then you get the Paramedic Certification and THEN get some experience ( a few years)...THEN you can do the Saudi contract thing. You may want to do a little more research and refine your planning...its all doable, just not on the time table you have established.


Forum Ride Along

I have a couple female friends who are army medics, and several friends who are medics in the national guard. They are pretty much EMT-B's with a bit of an expanded scope of practice. Most of what they focus on it trauma related as opposed to medical (which makes sense for the position).

But What does gender & race have to do with anything? Not trying to be rude, just curious. If you meet the minimum qualifications and can pass basic training, I think everything else is pretty much irrelevant. They have even allowed women to go through ranger training.

Anymore info they can share or that you are able to? like pay? amount they travel? length of contracts? etc?
Race and gender: birds whisper upfront theirs a ton of sexism and discrimination in the military. Any input on that? Surely I will find out for myself one-day.


Forum Deputy Chief
Pay charts are readily available online. Base pay is 100% based on rank and time in service (there are special bonus pays available for certain circumstances like jump pay for paratroopers or imminent danger/hazardous duty pay if you're deployed to Afghanistan for example).

There is unfortunately some bigoted individuals in the military, just like any other human organization. However, this is not the 1960s anymore and the military has numerous measures in place to work against that. Equal Opportunity is such a big concern, it is literally a career killer for those who actually act on those thoughts.


Forum Deputy Chief
Anymore info they can share or that you are able to? like pay? amount they travel? length of contracts? etc?
Race and gender: birds whisper upfront theirs a ton of sexism and discrimination in the military. Any input on that? Surely I will find out for myself one-day.
Google will answer most of that for you. Not trying to be an ***, but just last year I was looking at 68W myself and I was able to find pretty much everything I needed to know by doing some digging.

Run with scissors

Forum Lieutenant
Being a 68w reservist won't help you much in your civilian life. If your going to be a medic in the military. Go full time active duty.


One of my Aunts was an Army medic. She loved the job, but she's been out many years and still has difficulty coping with certain aspects of her prior service emotionally and still goes to counseling for some of it. I would suggest asking different people in different units/branches of service about stuff like how good CISD/CISM is in that particular branch/unit. Most civilian jobs make that available right away up front to prevent long-term issues. Certainly, one's genitalia should not necessarily effect the way a job goes, but I would suggest seeking out that information before hand to anyone make or female going into the service. I have a friend of a friend who is a male who has been out almost 10 years and it altered him mentally permanently, and he wasn't really even in a dangerous place, necessarily. It's just that he got very little sleep, had constantly high catecholamine levels and perceived that he had no one to talk to to work stuff out while he was there.

Run with scissors

Forum Lieutenant
It's not that bad, anything you do in life, that's worth doing. Is going to change you.

Plus, the war is mostly over now. So the chances of you seeing anything bad are low. You'll just be doing vitals most of the time at the base ER. Or on standby for trainings and events on base.


Forum Ride Along
hi! Where are your sources for that? Are you asking solders? are you yourself active duty / in military service? Everyone knows Saudi Arabia is going to war in the next year- or two tops hence the constant paramedic recruitment to hospitals over to the middle east.


Forum Ride Along
I was under the impression its a guaranteed you'll be deployed to the middle east if you're a medic - especially combat medic.

Run with scissors

Forum Lieutenant
Ive been discharged for about 3 years now. And I have friends that have been in as 68w. Never been deployed in 6 years.

And that's what mainly staffed the ER on base. They took vitals and history and all that good stuff.

If you have any questions you want to know, pm me. And I'll ask one of my friends who's active duty healthcare specialist in the army. And get some of your questions answered.


Forum Deputy Chief
I was under the impression its a guaranteed you'll be deployed to the middle east if you're a medic - especially combat medic.
There isnt going to be as much of a need to send as many, the amount of people still there is a fraction of what it once was. So at this point, there is no guarantee you will, especially since 68W is an overmanned field last I checked (which wasn't that long ago).


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
I was under the impression its a guaranteed you'll be deployed to the middle east if you're a medic - especially combat medic.
All the flight medics that are coming through our program say that they're almost never getting deployed. They jump around unit to unit hoping to find a unit that's getting sent over. A lot of the guys have 2-4 years active duty and have never been deployed. Again, these are all 68W medics in various roles.


Forum Deputy Chief
hi! Where are your sources for that? Are you asking solders? are you yourself active duty / in military service? Everyone knows Saudi Arabia is going to war in the next year- or two tops hence the constant paramedic recruitment to hospitals over to the middle east.

What are YOUR sources for this outlandish claim?

FYI, KSA has been actively recruiting Western Medical Providers since the 1990s (maybe earlier but this is when I first started). Your information is false.


Forum Ride Along
Ive been discharged for about 3 years now. And I have friends that have been in as 68w. Never been deployed in 6 years.

And that's what mainly staffed the ER on base. They took vitals and history and all that good stuff.

If you have any questions you want to know, pm me. And I'll ask one of my friends who's active duty healthcare specialist in the army. And get some of your questions answered.

I feel so technology challenged but I have no clue how to send you a PM. So settling for this here lol.

Again, I'm just a emt student (Finish in may) Plan on going to Paramedic school the following fall of 16 - (Two year program) THEN to enlist and serve for 4 years as a Medic. I'd love to hear more info you have on any of the four medic positions. I'm not leaning or have bias towards anyway. I just to go overseas and help.

Are there currently any openings? Are all the below overmanned? Which would be the fastest to get into?

Enlisted in the Navy as HM Corpsman (Hospital or Boat) or Go Green FMF (Fleet-men medic for the Marines) (Can women even do this still?)

AirForce/AirGuard: The Aerospace Medical Service Specialist

Army/Reserves as either a 68W (Combat Medic) or or (68X) MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST for the Army (Counselor/Therapist)



Forum Deputy Chief
Are there currently any openings? Are all the below overmanned? Which would be the fastest to get into?
A Recruiter can answer your questions about openings and over/under staffed positions and give you more info on what exactly each of those MOS's do (and don't do) in their respective services than any of us can.
(Can women even do this still?)
Seriously? Have you really NOT heard the fairly major news that ALL combat exclusions against woman are being lifted? I.e. if you really wanted to, you can enlist as an 11B/0311 Infantry, and woman have been cycling through and graduating Ranger school, in fact they are seriously talking about making woman register for the draft just like men now because of this. I don't think you'll have an issue enlisting as a medic....