Search results

  1. M3dicalR3dn3ck

    Best Truck Chassis and Box

    This ain't a poll, debate, or argument. I'm just curious as to everyone's opinions and experiences on this subject. I'll spare y'all the painful details leading me to ask this, I'm just curious as to makes and models of trucks and boxes, your preference on each, and why.
  2. M3dicalR3dn3ck

    EMSA Ambulance Catches Fire

    Multiple links on the story:
  3. M3dicalR3dn3ck

    Good Luck Charm

    The girl coming off shift left her stuffed octopus in the dash of our truck and said he's a good luck charm, warding off critical patients and high call volume. Do y'all have anything similar on your truck/helicopter/plane?
  4. M3dicalR3dn3ck

    Hunting and Fishing Thread

    If you like to hunt and/or fish let's see your harvest here! **This is a judgement free thread so let's NOT tease over small fish or a low count on birds or other such things**
  5. M3dicalR3dn3ck

    Northeast Oklahoma

    So does anyone know if there's openings I overlooked in Northeast Oklahoma? Got applications out with Pafford, EMSA, Muskogee County, Creek County, MESTA, Tahlequah City Hospital, and Tulsa Fire Department. TFD I'm at the CPAT phase, Pafford and EMSA both hollered back. Pafford's clearly...
  6. M3dicalR3dn3ck

    Class not making sense

    So on the first night of class, our instructor straight up told us that things wouldn't make sense until several weeks in. That said, it's week 3 and I'm freaking out because nothing is really coming together yet. Is my dumb redneck brain missing something here or is this normal when going...
  7. M3dicalR3dn3ck

    Third rides before class starts?

    Hey y'all, Posting again even though anyone who read my first post on probably thinks I'm not entirely sane. I have a question: is it possible to start getting in any of my class required ride alongs before my class even starts? I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself but I've been bit by...
  8. M3dicalR3dn3ck

    Getting Ahead With Classes and Third Rides

    Good evening y'all, New member here! I start my Basic class in the fall. I already know that I need to read ahead (which I'm doing), and of the few bright sides that can come from my dad's death, I'm back in touch with his old buddies from when he was a paramedic. They're hooking me up with the...