Search results

  1. thowle

    EMS-I (Instructor) Question

    Anyone know much about getting EMS-I (EMT-FR & B Instructor) certification in Kentucky through KBEMS? I'm thinking about trying to get EMS-I; so far what I see is that all you have to do is teach 5 lectures, and 5 skills, and attend 75% of the classes to assist and then if the lead instructor...
  2. thowle

    Trouble with BP enroute

    Situation: ~75 y/o female, c/c CVA/TIA. Initial BP taken by medic on scene, was something like 225/180 maybe(ish); gave labaterol IV, and then I went to re-acquire BP.. after 5 tries of not being able to hear anything, I try to palp... and can't feel anything either... Medic decides to give...
  3. thowle

    Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing w/ Bradyarrhythmic

    So I've got a question on Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing for a patient with symptomatic bradycardia rythm. So I'm probably wrong on this whole thought process so correct me if I am; but if you're going the non-invasive asynchronous pacing route on a PT, once you connect and verify connection...
  4. thowle

    Project Ideas (something of use)

    Hey everyone, Weird forum to be posting in about this huh? Anyway, I need some ideas for a project that you all would like that I will design and develop. is a great community, but what can you think of that would be helpful to you or something that you would spend a bunch of...
  5. thowle

    EMT-B license for nothing...

    Here goes my general non-sense ranting again lol. So, I'm sure some of you might remember little ole me getting my EMT-B license last year (around $800+ total in the end); primarly because I was on the fire department and only had one or two EMTs and we were in a rural community, plus I was...
  6. thowle

    Diabetic Emergency Question

    Okay, today we were dispatched to a female patient with known diabetic related problems; the complaint was that the patient was eating breakfast, became disoriented and finally became unresponsive to verbal stimuli. Prior to the patient becoming unresponsive, a family member gave a some...
  7. thowle

    Armalite M4, and M4 SPR

    I have an Armalite M4 Rep Airsoft gun, with laser box, ACOG Red Dot Sight, extra mags, etc. I also have an Armalite M4 Rep Airsoft Gun with silencer made as an SPR sniper rifle. More info on request, pictures posted below.
  8. thowle

    Tomar LED Lights, Siren, and more

    LED Lighting: x6 - TOMAR High Power 200-2 RED/WHITE lights - - Internal flasher w/ 10 patterns - Black Housing, w/ standard L-Bracket - Ability to synchronize with other modules x2 - TOMAR High Power RECT25 RED lights -...
  9. thowle


    I have the feeling that upon my first (actual post-class) patient contact where I am the only one providing care, I am going to be very nervous. I suppose that is normal, and will work its way out, but; I have a good feeling that when I start my patient care, I will second guess myself too...
  10. thowle

    Online Studying System

    Non-Advertising Hello everyone, earlier I tried to make a post to get people interested in a new system I made, and have people test it out and share their ideas -- but that didn't go over too well because it was pretty much advertising. This time, I'm going to take another route instead of...