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  • Hi
    I have read forum regarding Qatar Paramedic . I have applied for a job using GMR web site and they emailed me back with details below:
    Tax free basic salary 10250 QAR per month.
    Compare to the salary you mentioned in your post it is nothing. I would like to know your opinion if it is really bad for family of 2 adults and 2 kids.
    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Take care and be safe
    I recently accepted a job on the military camp there and would love to ask you some questions if you have time.
    Hi, I was reading some old posts about working in the middle east and came across your posts. I was wondering if you know if the ambulance service in Qatar is still hiring. I'm NREMT-P registered and would love to work there.
    Hi there

    I am a UK 'Advanced Paramedic' - university graduate with almost 2 1/2 years post-graduate experience, but 6 1/2 years in various roles with the ambulance service.

    It is very rare for UK paramedics to get trained in RSI skills. I am amongst some of the highest trained Paramedics in the UK skill sets.

    Would my skills and experience be considered by the employers in Qatar?

    Many thanks,

    Hi, I am an Arab speaking critical care paramedic and flight paramedic from NYC although I live and work in the suburbs now. I have been a paramedic for 10 years with progressively increasing responsibility with some operations supervision experience. Would my language skills make me a shoe in? I have too many questions to list. Perhaps we could chat on the phone? Do you have a contact for a recruiter?
    Hi Armor10, I've recently applied for a post with HMC Qatar and now just waiting for the outcome of the interview. Im trying to locate the pharmacology scope of practive for Critical Care Paramedics in Qatar.
    Hi Armor 10, I posted in Qatar thread quite a while ago. I was wondering if you could tell me who you are working for in Qatar and how you are getting on? I am sure they will be recruiting lots of overseas Paramedics for the Olympics? Cheers Paddy!

    I saw your post on Qatar. Are you on with ITT? I saw the posting on their site, and I am considering applying. Any advice and info on the conditions there? Thanks a million.
    Doing great! This place is completely the opposite of that other place. (That shall not be named) The EMS system here is about 30-40 years ahead of that other place. We carry state of the art equipment. LUCAS, Glide Scopes, Fiber Optic Laryngoscopes, LifePak 15's, I stats, Proper Vents Oxylogs 3000 Plus. and a lot more. My family is here, we have a lovely Villa, I have always been paid on time, and paid what I was supposed to be paid. The kids are in school, bought the wife a BMW X5. I'm settled in. I can see myself staying here until the world cup rolls around for sure.
    Hey what's been going on Aaron? Did you finally get settled in over in Qatar? How are things going?

    Still here in Saudi. My file did get passed on last week to start processing for my visa for Qatar. So the clock has started.
    Hey what's up Aaron? Did you make the move over to Qatar yet or are you still stuck over with SRCA still?
    Hello Aaron. I was talking to Schultz and he told me to ask you on weather or not SRCA is still hiring Flight Medics or not. Also. What are the qualifications to be a Flight Medic with them? Schultz mentioned that they have hired Western Medics with zero flight experience and 2+ years ground before?
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