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  1. B

    is a broken arm an ALS or BLS call?

    This pretty much sums up my EMS system, but with a few extra details. The nearest hospital is about 15-20 mins away, which also provides an ALS fly car for the surrounding area which carries 2 medics so typically one rides with PT and the other goes back. Because they only provide one fly car...
  2. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    Well I guess that pretty much sums it up. Through NEEMSI I can take the Medic course this August, so i'm going to suck it up till then and do that. I appreciate all the advice, everyone.
  3. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    So you're saying that being an I would not make me any more hireable than a basic? Because basics in NH to my knowledge can't even open up IV's, so I would think I would be more appealing to companies if I had some of those skills. I think going off of other opinions here I would go for it and...
  4. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    It's an I-85. I had to look up what the difference was, but I guess the I-99 course is much longer/more expensive because of the extra skills?
  5. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    I appreciate where you're coming from here, makes it easier to balance the two options. Hey, an EMT with social skills. Go figure, huh?
  6. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    Not sure why it seemed so obvious to the people I talked to about this, but not to anyone on this forum but I guess there's always another side to it. I felt the emt-i was logical because it's only 3 months long, and I figured that right away I could use that to boost my resume, and more...
  7. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    No need to get touchy. I just happen to be of the opinion that it doesn't hurt to take the advice of people who know what they're talking about it, as where I do not.
  8. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    I get exactly what you're saying, but the reasoning I get from people is that if you don't have BLS nailed down, you'll rely too much on ALS to treat people. Anyone on the forum happen to do the zero to hero?
  9. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    Well none that I know of were actually Medics. My EMS coordinator dropped out of Medic school because he needed money, so he got his Int. instead. My instructor told me the same thing, but he was never a Medic either, just a very experienced Intermediate I think. I probably heard it from some...
  10. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    Well that was my original plan when I first took my Basic class but everyone has told me that it's not a very good idea to do zero to hero. I figure even without much experience, going basic to Int. is a lot easier. If no one had told me otherwise I would have gone straight to Medic, because...
  11. B

    Basic to Intermediate

    So I'm a basic living in southshore NH, and struggling to find any work, even as a stair char operator. I know for a fact I've looked into everything, and i'm constantly calling back looking for a break to get in but alas nothing. I've been certified nationally since early April, state...
  12. B

    Need Experience

    I'm in New Hampshire. I asked my Chief already and he told me didn't care, so I guess i'm curious how departments might react, if I ask about going on ride alongs or training with them, even though i'm with another department, but I want to work with their's also, because mine is slow...
  13. B

    Need Experience

    I'm a brand spankin' new EMT-B, and i'm affiliated with a very small department that gets 100 calls a year so i'm trying to get more experience. Aside from private ambulances, can I be affiliated with more than one department, and can I work with a dept. if I don't live in that city? Also, if I...