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    Orgasmic Research

    LOL i think we all would....::Shudder:: could you imagine the turn out if they opened it up to Americans? :rolleyes:
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    Orgasmic Research

    ROFL..thats a great article thanks for the last night laugh! ;)
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    grants and scholarships?

    Talk to any local ems providers and just see whats out there..every state..hell even every city/town can be different with things like that..see what you can creative i guess..and keep for the 15 out of boyfriend just finished up his intermediate class and he was one...
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    I thought this was hilarious

    All irish here..lost on a desert island ..even there theres always a party goin' on ;)
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    "Looking at the fish"

    usually its 'when the truck's a rockin' don't come a knockin''...but in this case..if the fish are rockin'? B) lol
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    I'd just like to say that i think the new Elmo line of products would really help todays kids understand just what life is all about! Instead of teaching First Aid/CPR classes with manicuns *err however its spelled* we can just introduce the kids to Elmo....hah idk why but this whole idea just...
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    Why did you choose to stop at BLS?

    I guess out of everyone my situation is a bit different....I was an explorer for 5 years and recently joined the Army. Anyways i'm going in as a Health Care Specialst/Practical Nurse...the health care specialist is a full out Combat theres my EMT-B training right there..i get...
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    Light Bulb

    I had a similar call once..except it involved an eggplant..... :unsure: 'nuff said
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    Greetings! Newbie here!!

    Welcome!! I too am going to be taking my EMT-B class in January and im excited as well. Im a senior in Highschool but have been involved in EMS as an explorer for the past 5 i've gotten my 'sneak peak' at what goes on. Hope you enjoy the site as much as we all do and hope the class...
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    Thought this was good...

    A Code Of Ethical Behavior For Patients 1. DO NOT EXPECT YOUR PARAMEDIC TO SHARE YOUR DISCOMFORT. Involvement with the patient's suffering might cause him to lose valuable scientific objectivity. 2. BE CHEERFUL AT ALL TIMES. Your Paramedic leads a busy and trying life and requires all the...
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    When God Made Paramedics

    I think maybe ya'll missed one...I read the thread that FFEMT had posted and I didn't see this one here it is..Personally this one has impacted me beyond words.... IF I COULD TELL YOU LIES -Unknown- I want to tell that little boy his Mom will be just fine I want to tell that dad we...
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    EMT Life

    Put like no one else could sum it up. Thats excatly how it is. Wow.
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    *Peeks in*

    hey and welcome to the board! I too am currently waiting to take my EMT-B class..hopefully that'll start in Jan so we're in the same boat..although i've been involved in EMS for almost 5 years. I'll echo basically what everyone else already said by just enjoy what your getting yourself into, and...
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    Here's a thought...How do you date?

    It's been interesting to read the replys to this question..Kyleybug im so sorry about your marriage, having watched my parents and grandparents suffer falling apart marriages i do know how difficult it can be, and over the happiness of one spouse and the confustion or jealousy of the other, its...
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    Here's a thought...How do you date?

    This is kind of a random question..but its comming from a female so what else would it be :P anyways...We've all been through it. We've all dated (or married) someone in the field..or out of the field..or both. Who do you prefer? Is it better to be with someone who knows what is involved with...
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    I would definately recommend looking into an explorer post. I'm a crew chief at a local private ambulance compnay explorer post but have also been with Rural/Metro...the explorer post has definately changed my life for the better and made me realize how much i want to be invovled in EMS. You...
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    Matt, I'm currently 17 and the same rule applies in NY as it does in Mass. I guess in a way im lucky because the EMT course starts in Jan ending in Jun and i'll be turning 18 in Apr. so I'll be able to take the course and the test. I think though that if you are really determined to become and...
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    September 11th

    never forgotten...never
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    Hurricane Ivan is coming now....

    I can't believe that FL is getting hit again, I have some family and a lot of friends down there, and I'm glad to say they are all safe and glad to hear you and your family is safe as well. Hopefully everyone can hold out and hunker down for Ivan. Up here (Western New York) we got the left overs...
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    How many of you are/have been security officers?

    while I haven't had any formal security training that has tied into my EMS involvement, security is something I'm looking into doing after HS for a while to make some cash.* yeah I know I'm a youngin' :D * My criminal justice teacher is an awesome guy and has worked so much security I think...