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  1. Capital

    Ultrasound IV in the field

    The good ultrasound machines are so fragile and expensive. I don't think the probe/crystal would survive a week in the back of our ambulance. :eek:
  2. Capital

    12 Lead ecg

    There is no general guideline for refusals in Virginia. Every agency has its unique protocols that outline how refusals must be obtained. Example: My current agency requires a call to the Peds ER doctor for any peds refusal under the age of 5, never encountered that before. Side note from the...
  3. Capital

    Why Vol EMS is getting more expensive

    Virginia OEMS also has $33 million dollars in mishandled/missing funds :mad: They canceled our annual EMS symposium, canceled all state grants, and have reneged on most reimbursements. There are going to be a lot of smaller, more rural agencies closing across the Commonwealth. VA Office EMS $33...
  4. Capital

    Palpating a BP

    Why no stethoscope? Probably the cheapest, but most valuable, piece of equipment a BLS unit should carry.
  5. Capital

    Accepted to RN bridge!

    Congratulations! Just keep doing some Kaplan or UWorld questions everyday until the NCLEX and you'll do great!
  6. Capital

    Should we of Initiated cpr earlier

    As charge nurse, I have to call the ME, call LifeNet, and deal with the local authorities regarding any deaths. A lot of times questions about prehospital care are simply to clarify these dealings. And then some questions are because some nurses are *****es ;)
  7. Capital

    Accepted to RN bridge!

    Congratulations!! Enjoy the break and then finish strong 👨‍🎓
  8. Capital

    Ambulances held hostage

    As the charge nurse at a busy level 2 trauma center, I can honestly state I've never held a crew longer than 15 minutes. We've been using our triage and fast track area for all EMS that isn't a trauma, MI, or critical patient. We funnel everyone there and have a designated paramedic that takes...
  9. Capital

    Death of a frequent caller

    Got dispatched last night for an unresponsive at one of our local no-tell motels. Arrived to find one of our most frequent callers very dead. Between the ambulance and being a nurse at the local trauma hospital I've probably had hundreds of contacts with this man over the years. He has called me...
  10. Capital

    Accepted to RN bridge!

    So many nurses I went to school with also had to repeat/redo a class, it happens. I love your attitude though, that is priceless! That kind of self-reflection and honesty is what I love working with, it means I can trust you. Kick *** this fall :cool:
  11. Capital

    Is Glucagon for unconscious hypoglycemia Pt. ?

    We use it as a first med on patients with a food bolus in their throat. Works about 20% of the time, not great numbers but sure beats calling in ENT :cool:
  12. Capital

    Should EMS/Fire be armed?

    Based on the interaction at the beginning of the video the patient was being brought in for a welfare check/mental health check. Our ED has had a few very close calls with guns/knives/SNAKES (alive!) snuck in by mental health patients. Our hospital got our security the wand-type metal detectors...
  13. Capital

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    I'm scheduled for the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Friday morning.
  14. Capital

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    This, so much this. We're holding ICU patients *alongside* my other patients, without critical care support staff, proper equipment or training. Last night we had an adult cardiac arrest and a pediatric unresponsive come in 2 minutes apart. A full department, 20 in the waiting room and the HEAR...
  15. Capital

    Chest issues?

    A passy muir valve is probably what you're referring to as his 'speech filter thing'.
  16. Capital

    Accepted to RN bridge!

    Also, remember that nursing school exams are looking for the answer that only works at NCLEX Memorial Hospital. You have to leave real world answers behind for now. So aggravating :confused:
  17. Capital

    Educate me more on troponin

    Risk vs Reward equation, how big is the anuersym and what is that particular patients surgical risk profile. If it is less than 5 cm and remains stable, they do a follow up every 6 months to monitor.
  18. Capital

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    There are questions about the expiratory port filter efficacy on our BiPap. We have 50+ rooms, but only a few are negative pressure, and a fairly open layout. So they've made the decision to not use BiPap with any potential Covid until we have clearer evidence. I've never seen any situation this...
  19. Capital

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    This is what we are seeing in our level 2 trauma ED also. About half of the patients under 60 are presenting with abdominal pain/distress. They seem to deteriorate faster, and have a higher mortality, than those that present with respiratory symptoms. We're still running about 5-7 days for test...
  20. Capital

    Accepted to RN bridge!

    Congratulations! And welcome to the nursing profession 🤪