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  1. karaya

    Any Emtlife oldies, like me, still around?

    Hi Joy! Good to hear from you again! Ray
  2. karaya

    Glendale fire assaults patient after patient assaults them

    I understand about the distraction part. Keep focused, stay on patient care. But, if time permits, take a moment to interact and offer an explanation to the bystanders. A GOOD communicator can get a lot of negative impressions turned around real quick. I do it all the time. We're filming...
  3. karaya

    Glendale fire assaults patient after patient assaults them

    I don't think I'd go as far to say the scene in the video was on the verge of a riot or even public disorder. Clearly, the bystanders were upset with what they were hearing from the firefighters, and from my viewpoint, rightfully so. With more attention to self control from the firefighters, I...
  4. karaya

    Glendale fire assaults patient after patient assaults them

    Even after behaving like a complete ***? If you don't think you don't have to justify your performance to the public in any manner, then I'd suggest you're in the wrong business. That self-righteous arrogance is part of the problem as to how the public perceives emergency services, and...
  5. karaya

    How do you deal with bystanders with cameras?

    Just remember not to get sidetracked with the bystanders. Keep your focus on patient care and if enough responders are on the scene to setup a "specticle barrior" of some sort, then so be it as long as it dosen't comprise care and transportation times.
  6. karaya

    How do you deal with bystanders with cameras?

    As someone who makes his living filming EMS crews, I can say much of the advice you see here in this forum is spot on. Just focus on patient care and ignore the bystanders. The moment you try to censor a bystander, or journalist, you run the risk of making the scene into a spectacle that will...
  7. karaya

    Any 911 providers in Ferguson area? (Riots)

    There was a fear that law officers may be specifically targeted by some violent protester, and from what I understand, there were no singled out actions against any police officer out side of the riot lines itself. Myself and my cameraman continued to wear our tactical 5.11 uniform and we had...
  8. karaya

    Any 911 providers in Ferguson area? (Riots)

    I know Bearcats are not surplus - that was my whole point of better public information to the media. Understand the command / staging area was in a very large shopping center lot covering a large area with multiple points of entry. Also keep in mind this was not some small one block area...
  9. karaya

    Any 911 providers in Ferguson area? (Riots)

    Ferguson police was not handling the protests / riots. That was turned over to St. Louis County police and then days later, the Missouri State Highway patrol was ordered to take over. However, the public information was still directed to St. Louis County police. I've got a pretty good story...
  10. karaya

    Any 911 providers in Ferguson area? (Riots)

    The retoric about the militarization of the police was more inline with complete ignorance of the bloggers, tweeters, media, you name it, that a Lenco Bearcat is not a military surplus vehicle. However, the police public information system was terrible. The moment tweets started to surface...
  11. karaya

    Video Link: What EMS Experienced at the Ferguson Shooting

    There will be a lot to learn from this. We've filmed some more interviews that will air on EMS1 shortly that we hope will give more insight from the EMS side of the incident. I'll share some of my personal findings here a bit later.
  12. karaya

    Video Link: What EMS Experienced at the Ferguson Shooting

    Here is a link to the EMS Chief Chris Cebollero interview we filmed a few days ago.
  13. karaya

    Any 911 providers in Ferguson area? (Riots)

    I haven't seen that there at all; however, EMS is staging at the command staging area just up the road from the protesters, so there is really no close EMS presence from the protesters point of view. Late afternoon, EMS stages four extra units in the staging area. But, for the most part, the...
  14. karaya

    Any 911 providers in Ferguson area? (Riots)

    We've been filming in Ferguson with Chris Cebollero's EMS crews ever since the rioting started nine days ago. Look for an exclusive interview we filmed with EMS Chief Cebollero last Sunday evening at the riot police staging area that will appear tomorrow on In the interview, Chris...
  15. karaya

    Any changes to the premium members on the new site?

    I've notice the premium member section is no longer visible in the new site. Are there any changes in store for the premium memberships?
  16. karaya

    New Site Coming Saturday - August 9

    Change is good. I felt this site was starting to get an "aged" look with it's edge to edge layout and lack of depth. Looking forward to see what you all have come up with! "Change is the law of life. And those who only look to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - John F. Kennedy
  17. karaya

    Wake County EMS finds that longer CPR saves lives

    That's what I found interesting!
  18. karaya

    Wake County EMS finds that longer CPR saves lives

    My good friend, Jamie Davis, just posted this up on Facebook and I thought I'd share it here. Jamie responded, "Interesting", and I'm must parallel his thoughts. Interesting...
  19. karaya

    CA EMT student on Judge Judy

    I know one of the medics where we do some filming appeared on the show several years ago.
  20. karaya

    Is It Time?

    I tried to read this whole thread, but I gave up. My head hurts. Next topic??