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  1. Selenolycus

    Is it a cool thing?

    The first sentence I agree with whole-heartedly. "Cool" can mean 'interesting,' 'good,' 'desirable,' 'attractive,' or any other number of things. If you enjoy your job, why would you say it isn't any of the things listed above? As with any career, there are aspects in EMS that many people in it...
  2. Selenolycus

    Old Paramedic Textbook

    Agreed. The program I was in for EMT-B got all of the regular test questions from their book, so if it was in the book, and you went over the chapters and have a decent memory, you'd be able to pass the test. I imagine some schools may differ, incorporating lecture, but not the case in my class...
  3. Selenolycus

    Those silly firefighters

    Man, I wish they held cops to the standard they hold firefighters and EMTs by.
  4. Selenolycus

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Ah, didn't know you were in the state. I've noticed you criticizing the rather minimal criteria established for EMT-B and pretty much beneath paramedic, and I'd have to say I think Paramedic should be the only acceptable training level for professional EMS, but I'm in a poor financial...
  5. Selenolycus

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Yes, through the local community college. Why do you ask that? On top of all your medical qualifications, you know the course materials for all of the EMT course centers out there? And, if you could answer my last question from the post you initially quoted, I'd be grateful, though I suspect...
  6. Selenolycus

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    While I know it's a bit of moan-groan, I really dislike the sort of tests similar to the NREMT-B. I encountered several that were tricky. Though, as I read here, there is a pool of 3,000 questions, there's a chance I won't see a single question next time that I saw last time - that just means...
  7. Selenolycus

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    I don't really feel that bad about it, other than it was a waste of gas and $70. I'll be hitting the books like mad, see what my weak points were whenever I get the letter from the NREMT, and take the test a week after that. So, in about three weeks, I'll be passing it, though my wallet will be...
  8. Selenolycus

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    As I had suspected, I failed. I didn't note if I answered the last question properly or not.
  9. Selenolycus

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Just took it today. Got to about 117, then it stopped, pretty sure I failed it. There were quite a few questions that were a bit vague, and a few of them I flat-out was entirely unsure on. Oh, well, I guess I'll hit the books and try it again in another couple of weeks. Even if did pass (which...
  10. Selenolycus

    Pharmacology Books?

    I'm about to finish my EMT-B training at the end of May (will go-on to EMT-I from June to Nov.), but as I have a general interest in medicine, I'd also like a good book on pharmacology that isn't aimed at people taking the various tests required of pharmacist students – just something that the...
  11. Selenolycus

    Are You Kidding!!!

    Well-said. I can't believe that people would just stand around and laugh, giving absolutely no assistance when they are 100% obligated to do so. Entirely unprofessional - I hope they don't stay in their current job positions for too much longer.
  12. Selenolycus

    SWAT officers invade home, take 11-year-old at gunpoint

    From the article: "The sheriff said the decision to use SWAT team force was justified because the father was a "self-proclaimed constitutionalist" and had made threats and "comments" over the years. However, the sheriff declined to provide a single instance of the father's illegal behavior...
  13. Selenolycus

    SWAT officers invade home, take 11-year-old at gunpoint

    It is rather ridiculous how often SWAT is used in non-extreme situations (e.g., like this, or when someone is suspected of having cannabis etc.). It'd be nice if their use was confined to busting human trafficking cartels or hostage situations...
  14. Selenolycus

    Another Typical Newbie Thread

    I'll start off telling a bit about myself: I'm about to start an EMT-B class that is 9:00-16:00 Tues/Thurs from 2/14 - 5/22. I'm a 22y/o male in Central Oklahoma, and have wanted to get into the program since I got out of HS, but financial restraints at the time and youthful indecisiveness...