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  1. Lancel

    Emt B course coming to a end

    Just relax and go over what you know. If you've passed the class, there isn't any reason inside the norms that you shouldn't pass the written exam. It's very similar material from the tests from your class, and in my experience, the tests during my class were more difficult. As for your...
  2. Lancel

    Medics and experienced EMT's, what are the top things you wish newcomers would know/do?

    Short and concise. This actually is one of the things I'm curious about because that's alot of routes to learn if you get hired on out of city (Which where I live is going to be the case). Learning the area is a challenge in itself. I'd be afraid to get lost honestly, so I know you're supposed...
  3. Lancel

    Medics and experienced EMT's, what are the top things you wish newcomers would know/do?

    Thanks for the response, Rin! I don't really put up any facades, I'm naturally very honest with myself and others which has been both good and bad in my experience. Some people have reacted with "Wow, you really don't know that" or things like that in a snide manner, which is understandable but...
  4. Lancel

    Medics and experienced EMT's, what are the top things you wish newcomers would know/do?

    I'm still new to EMS, and was just curious as to what you wish newbies would do/know when first starting to work as an EMT. Yes; I know knowing all material is important, I'm just curious as to what you thought was the MOST important, or perhaps most frequently needed addressed in the field...
  5. Lancel

    EMS schooling is scaring me?

    Right. Don't be afraid of stepping forward and making mistakes, it's how you learn best. Stereotypical answer, but if you're still hesitant when reading this post, get your *** in there and do work and don't give a **** about putting yourself in the spotlight. That's the most straightforward...
  6. Lancel

    Starting school in May - Critical questions about Drug Screening

    I recently completed an EMT class at my local community college, around 5 months ago. Heh, seems like no time has passed at all. Anyways, the way it was done here in Indiana is that a urine test was all that was taken. I think it may be safe to assume that's universal, as I think any further...
  7. Lancel

    I successfully passed my EMT-Basic written/practical exam... but to what avail?

    Thanks Thanks for the responses and confidence booster. Perhaps I was subconciously just looking for reassurance, who knows. Either way your replies make me feel at ease and gave me a new perspective on the situation.
  8. Lancel

    I successfully passed my EMT-Basic written/practical exam... but to what avail?

    That's okay, you're just posing questions in my opinion, an aggressive manner. Everyone has their own way of going about communicating and that's fine. I took an accelerated course because I have taken CPR + First aid + Anatomy and Phys so I thought I had an okay baseline to at least test the...
  9. Lancel

    I successfully passed my EMT-Basic written/practical exam... but to what avail?

    I didn't kno I wouldn't know since I'm new. Can't assume things based on zero knowledge.
  10. Lancel

    I successfully passed my EMT-Basic written/practical exam... but to what avail?

    That's a very good way of looking at it. Thanka for the advice, I was kind of stuck in a certain perspective of looking at my situation.
  11. Lancel

    I successfully passed my EMT-Basic written/practical exam... but to what avail?

    No I have not, I'm aware it costs money to do so and to be honest I don't think I'm prepared enough to take it.
  12. Lancel

    I successfully passed my EMT-Basic written/practical exam... but to what avail?

    Hi there, newly branded EMT-Basic here to discuss and hopefully receive some advice for a road to take. As the title indicates, I have passed my written exam (84%) and my practical exam to be given the status of EMT-Basic in my state. The problem is, I feel like I still know very little in...