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  1. sarahharter

    pregnant and ems

    ok i never really thought this would be a problem but my company thought it was i will explain. I found out i was prego and that i couldnt lift as much. i was restricted to only 35 lbs alone and that with a partner i could do what i was comfortable with. well my company took this as a disibility...
  2. sarahharter


    I totally just got two new jobs in one day!!!! Omg Cetronia and Dorney Park! i am so stoked! i was like totally losing my mind not making enough money! I have worked for so many ambulance companies and have had alot of bad experiences with them so i hope these go better!!!!:P
  3. sarahharter

    Sick EMT needs help getting through shift

    I feel like :censored::censored::censored::censored: to put it bluntly, dont wanna get into the nasty details but i really wish i could go home and go to bed. i cant eat or drink cuz i cant keep it down and standing up sucks. i asked to leave early but there is noone to cover. HELP!:sad:
  4. sarahharter

    so embarrassing!!!!!

    ok well my funny just happened to be me being taken in by my own truck!!! the first time i was sick i knew i was, i usually get pneumonia at least once per year if not more. well i also have asthma, so lets just say i get really sick. well i am trying to ignore that i cant breathe all day. i...
  5. sarahharter

    Are You Kidding!!!

    Okay lets start with i am a little, well small person. and what i mean is i may be tall like 5'9 but i only weigh in around 120 lbs. and yes i just put my weight out for everyone to see. any who......i got a call the other day that made a bunch of firefighters and medics almost pee their pants...
  6. sarahharter

    hey havent been around saying hey!!!!

    Hey i havent been around for awhile so i thought i would say hey to everyone!!! I have been really busy!! i started a couple new jobs and now run at about 6 companies. i am starting to think that i am going crazy or already have!!!! i also went bacak to fire school and am finally finishing ff1...
  7. sarahharter

    about LMS - montgomery county PA

    this question is for those who live in montgomery county pa because you might know. i am having the hardest time getting registered to do my coneds online. every number i call i get rerouted. i called the number that was given to me though the website adn they told me to call another number and...
  8. sarahharter

    gots a question

    i have my nremt-b and i want to work in pa. do i have to get my state cert to run here or is national okay?:huh: