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  1. daj72

    NTG for VT ?

    A colleagues and I have a little debate; If an awake patient has VT (+180) with a BP of approximately 100/something. The ECG shows depression due to the rapid pulse! but orienterteret and dry skin, but complain of chest pain would you give Nitroglycerin?
  2. daj72

    which clock ?

    I'm looking for a watch that is hygienic to wear on the job. I'm looking at, but are skeptical because you have to touch the clock perhaps with dirty gloves. Which watch/clock do you use...
  3. daj72

    Binding haemoglobin ?

    I need to understand this correctly, perhaps someone can help; When oxygen is binding to haemoglobin will all 4 haem-groups automatic be occupied ?? I understand that the Partial pressure is important for the saturation, and when one group is getting occupied it makes it easier for the...
  4. daj72

    Glucose D50=low BP ??

    Hey, I´have search the internet for a answer, and maybe there is nothing to it, and it was just and coincident, but can 40 ml of glucose D50, make the BP drop ? I´had a hypoglymic(IDDM) pt yesterday with a BS on 1,2 mmol and I´ then gave him 40 ml as describe above, and for...
  5. daj72

    Whick AMLS book ??

    Hey, I´m looking into bying a AMLS book, but I can see there are two different books out there. Which want is the most jused one ? Or/and the best ? Brady: Mosby...
  6. daj72

    Hello, DK is calling...

    Hey, Denmark is calling... I am a paramedic in Denmark, where there have been paramedics in just 7 years. :-o Overall I have been a EMT for 13 years now and counting and a paramedic for nearly 3 years. I look forward to many good discussions in here :-)