Recent content by saskgirl

  1. saskgirl

    ems sticker in your car window?

    My husband and I have small stars on the rear windows of both our vehicles. We live in a small town and everyone knows who we are and what we do anyway and we are proud of our career choice. Definitely not using it to get out of tickets or anything of the sort.
  2. saskgirl

    What are some medical diseases/problems a patient told you

    We had a frequent flyer in the last service I worked in with CREST syndrome. She would tell us she had this then get exasperated if we asked any questions about it and tell us to "just google it".
  3. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    Last day in my current position. Kind of a bittersweet day. Upside is I will be home with my hubby and furkids every night, downside is we've moved to this teeny tiny small town and I'm not totally sure about it yet. Going to be optimistic about it all though and hope the stress levels in our...
  4. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    I'll second that!
  5. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    Feeling the effects of playing the "If I fall asleep right now I will get __ hours of sleep..." game last night.
  6. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    Sounds awesome! We're headed to the Rockies, it's our annual anniversary/summer is over, relaxing time!
  7. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    Starting to book our fall getaway, I love this time of year!
  8. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    I forgot to put my wedding band back on this morning before heading out the door :sad:. It's the weirdest feeling!
  9. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

  10. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    Yep it's official I'm becoming an old lady... My husband just bought me a sewing machine and I am excited about it...
  11. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    We're off to Tobin Lake on our annual family vacation... usually turns out to be a disaster but at least the fishing is good!
  12. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    AC not working in my office today = not happy, somewhat unproductive me. On a brighter note only 17 days til my fishing vacation!
  13. saskgirl

    the 100% directionless thread

    Ugh that sounds awful! Feel better soon!
  14. saskgirl

    Volenteering.... Should I?

    I'm a small town girl myself so I'm all for avoiding big cities :) I work as an EMT/PCP for a smaller service run by a health region. I'm based out of a hospital during the day and I get to go home and sleep and just be on call at night. I also work in another section of the region 2 days a...
  15. saskgirl

    Volenteering.... Should I?

    I have never done volunteer so I'm probably not the best to speak to this, but I do know from personal experience that having a couple years of EMR experience behind me before doing PCP was so beneficial. I also find that transfers, boring as they may be at times, are where you can learn...