Recent content by MrandaPechon

  1. M

    New NREMT Skill Sheet - Coffee Making

    This made my day!! ~Miranda
  2. M

    Funny Things We Say To Make Our Patients Feel Better

    I always thought it would be funny but slightly horrible if when a doctor was putting someone under they said, "Hey guys, I am going to try this one blind folded, so time me."
  3. M

    What to expect for EMT-B Ride Along?

    As everyone has said above, the best thing to do is stay calm. I have just finished my rotations as an EMT-B observer, yesterday. It was an amazing experience like always. Some friendly advice, if you want an immediate repoire with your crew bring some goodies like cookies or muffins (Stay away...
  4. M

    Emergency Laughter

    The old lady cottage cheese story!!!! OH my I need to by this book.
  5. M

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    I am from California and over the summer I was in West Virginia so I decided to see what a shift was like there. I took 16 calls with in 12 hours that day it was wild. What was even more wild was a call I heard over my radio while filling up the engine at a gas stop. . . Unit: "Unit ___ to...