Forum hostility


Forum Captain
Maybe its just me, but lately through a number of threads, it seem like there is a lot of hostility. Not just towards obvious trolls, or overly idiotic posts, but towards and between known and respected posters.

Maybe we all need to post some more in the humor section and lighten up some, or maybe we need to stop being hypercritical of every post in every thread. Just something I've noticed lately, and I hope we can all start posting differing opinions respectfully again. Carry on all.


Forum Deputy Chief
Sorry. Not smelling what you are stepping in. Move it along. Nothing to see here.


Forum Deputy Chief
What makes a "known and respected poster?" Because if it's the same thing that often makes some people here "experts," ie a high post count, it's a questionable statement.

Just curious really.


Forum Captain
What makes a "known and respected poster?" Because if it's the same thing that often makes some people here "experts," ie a high post count, it's a questionable statement.

Just curious really.
No, not high post counts. But those that a normal person would be able to see there post history and deem them knowledgeable.


Crowd pleaser
Sheesh... Come on Squirrely... We're all adults. We don't have to play patty-cake all the time.

I think the real problem is being overly sensitive.


Organic Mechanic
Yeah, the unwarranted abuse and outright hostility to new people has largely driven me away. I wish there were a community out there where people could share opinions without being bullied under the guise of "debate" or "asking for evidence".

Mostly I wish the word filter wasn't on, because I could have gotten this reply down to nine characters. But that's just an outward sign of the iron-fisted fair and thorough moderation that makes this one of the least plausible places to tone troll.


Forum Captain
Sheesh... Come on Squirrely... We're all adults. We don't have to play patty-cake all the time.

I think the real problem is being overly sensitive.
Part of it yes this is true a lot of people are overly sensitive. And I don't expect everyone to get along and agree all the time. It was an observation that I made, that lately there is bickering and arguing, instead of debate and disagreement.


Crowd pleaser
It's a generational thing. It isn't a "you're an idiot" type of thing....

This is how society is going. There is a new generation, millennials, who seem to think they are "special" and entitled. That the old world is offensive and oppressive. That hard work is not necessary to succeed, and that the benefits of the many should be shared or given to them simply for existing...

Etc. etc. etc.

The millennial attitude shines, shines, right through the text, and those of us who see the blatant arrogance and entitlement are frankly sick of it. Humility and being humble are becoming recessive traits, and the "you expect me to earn my stripes, pay my dues?!" attitude is prevalent. To top it off- they take offense to any sort of criticism. Don't even get me started of those preaching "tolerance" who are intolerant to criticism of their cause...

Even those who do demonstrate personal responsibility and common sense seem to think that such actions entitle them to something special... Just being "normal" is now a thing that deserves special credit to the crowd I'm speaking about. That's ridiculous; everyone does not get a participation trophy.

There is a stark difference between being new, wanting to learn, and being eager to put in the work, and the generation of ubiquitous pansies that are everywhere! These issues are prevalent everyday in current events... One simply needs to look around to see....

I doubt I am alone in this train of thought.

I think this is where the perceived "belittling" is coming from. It is not what it seems... It is trying to make someone see the light, but this is not the medium to teach life lessons... I myself am guilty of this. These folks are the way they are because of the way they were raised, and nothing is going to change their outlook, except for that brick wall they run into in the real world.

Some are so far gone, they want to rewrite history to conform it to their own views and agendas.

That's a long post, and that is my succinct analysis... To try and explain myself further would be a 20 page essay....


Forum Captain
It's a generational thing. It isn't a "you're an idiot" type of thing....

This is how society is going. There is a new generation, millennials, who seem to think they are "special" and entitled. That the old world is offensive and oppressive. That hard work is not necessary to succeed, and that the benefits of the many should be shared or given to them simply for existing...

Etc. etc. etc.

The millennial attitude shines, shines, right through the text, and those of us who see the blatant arrogance and entitlement are frankly sick of it. Humility and being humble are becoming recessive traits, and the "you expect me to earn my stripes, pay my dues?!" attitude is prevalent. To top it off- they take offense to any sort of criticism. Don't even get me started of those preaching "tolerance" who are intolerant to criticism of their cause...

Even those who do demonstrate personal responsibility and common sense seem to think that such actions entitle them to something special... Just being "normal" is now a thing that deserves special credit to the crowd I'm speaking about. That's ridiculous; everyone does not get a participation trophy.

There is a stark difference between being new, wanting to learn, and being eager to put in the work, and the generation of ubiquitous pansies that are everywhere! These issues are prevalent everyday in current events... One simply needs to look around to see....

I doubt I am alone in this train of thought.

I think this is where the perceived "belittling" is coming from. It is not what it seems... It is trying to make someone see the light, but this is not the medium to teach life lessons... I myself am guilty of this. These folks are the way they are because of the way they were raised, and nothing is going to change their outlook, except for that brick wall they run into in the real world.

Some are so far gone, they want to rewrite history to conform it to their own views and agendas.

That's a long post, and that is my succinct analysis... To try and explain myself further would be a 20 page essay....
Fair points, I guess I'll just sit quietly, so long as you treat me special and bring me cookies :) well sadly though, they are rewriting history


Forum Chief
Did someone say cookie?


Forum Asst. Chief


Working Bum
Nothing new in this forum. You always have the ones that are superior to the new guys. After a while you learn which to ignore and which give good advice.

It will always be that way, on forums and in life.


Forum Chiefess
I totally agree with the entitlement idea of this generation. I have worked hard and earned every milestone. I don't want anything from anyone unless there is no alternative. I derive satisfaction from achieving things and earning what I've worked for. I have a hard time respecting myself if things are just handed to me. I'm not a millennial, but I'm still hesitant to post much. I'm even debating this one as I type because of how things are said. Not what is said. And I'm no shrinking violet, either. I don't run to mama crying. Au contraire. I always make sure I speak to others the same way I would hope they would speak to me. Once in a while I see something that is almost shocking in it's presentation and makes me cringe even if it has nothing to do with me.


Forum Deputy Chief
Smoking babies save lives.

Not smoking a baby.

But a smoking baby

Like not on fire

But like a baby smoking a cigarette