Akulahawk's latest activity

  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Ultrasound IV in the field.
    Not a fan of using a peripheral line for pressors or inotropes... but sometimes their use is necessary to buy time to get a central line...
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Ultrasound IV in the field.
    When I'm called, most of the usual sites have been already chewed through and/or they're vasoconstricted from either dehydration or use...
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Ultrasound IV in the field.
    I'm also very, very good at doing USGPIV's. While I can take 20-30 minutes to do one, most of that time is spent looking for an...
  • Akulahawk
    Fair enough!! In any event, it's been so long since I've done an NREMT written that they've probably revised the test and testing...
  • Akulahawk
    Far enough that you didn't pass. If the score required to pass is 950 and you got 949, you still wouldn't have passed. As far as what...
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Assessment Question.
    I think what I was getting at in my earlier post is that checking the ABC's/Primary Survey can be completed so quickly that you flow...
  • Akulahawk
    I just met with my chief, and gave him my resignation. I've been on vehicle with flashing red lights for almost 25 years now, in...
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Assessment Question.
    You probably wouldn't be applying oxygen during your primary survey as that's basically just establishing that the patient's ABC's are...
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Blood pressure.
    In addition to what Matt said above, one of the ways I check for proper placement of the stethoscope head is that I actually...
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Pupils in head injuries.
    Simply put, it's a window into the state of the brain... and noting changes in the pupils can be as, or more, important than a single...
  • Akulahawk
    As stated above, there are a number of instances when there's a complaint of SOB but still oxygenating well. Most SpO2 sensors that I...
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Shortness of breath.
    In light of recent threads, and to encourage study by the OP of all these threads, I'm closing this and related threads.
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Pleural effusion.
    On that note, I'm closing this, and related threads.
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Supplemental oxygen.
    I'm closing this, and related threads.
  • Akulahawk
    Akulahawk replied to the thread Supplemental oxygen.
    You've asked quite a number of questions that should all be covered in class or thorough your reading assignments. We're not going to...